

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Vision

Education is what most of us think is the key to success.  In just about every situation, this holds to be true.  You wouldn’t want your surgeon looking in a manual before your operation, or your lawyer to google information while at your trial or even your mechanic scratching his head because he never learned the carburetor from the radiator.  So what about for those who are trying to lead a church?  The number one location to receive full education in this is definitely in God’s Word.  But what if you didn’t have a Bible?  What if you wanted more supplemental teaching to be a more rounded Preacher and you don’t have the means to get to a school, let alone pay for it?  What if there was someone willing to not only provide a Bible in your language, but theology books in your language as well? How about if that person brought that information to you and stayed for a while, guiding, teaching, and showing you what it means to be a disciple of God?  Do you think you would be encouraged and strengthened?    This is what we are called to do.  “As iron sharpens iron, so a person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

The Dominican Republic is where God is leading our lives.  We can’t do it alone.  We need the whole body of Christ.  Would you prayerfully consider joining us in this partnership?  Through giving, praying and communication, you will continue to energize us and strengthen us while we serve overseas.

Pico Duarte stands at 10,000 ft high and is the highest peak in all of the Caribbean.  It is located central to the island of Hispaniola, also known as Haiti/Dominican Republic.   In the valleys of this great mountain are the small city of Jarabacoa and its outlying villages.  If you are one of the families that have a “vehicle” you may be required to pick up a hitch hiker if there is any room after your family squeezes in.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Encouragement

Every time we have been able to share what God's vision is for the Dominican Republic, we get a little more excited for this new step in our lives.  We don't think our smiles could be wider!  We have met with a lot of different people over the past few weeks.  All have been great at listening, asking questions, and most of all, all of the prayers we have been a part of.  Praise Him for fellowship!

It is easy to be nervous.  It is easy to worry.  But we praise Him in His provisions and His guidance.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105.  Each step that we encounter on this journey has been revealed in His timing.   Our lives are becoming full with appointments and schedules.  We will turn our eyes to Him for that light and guidance.

While planning, scheduling and taking time out for our family and for each other, we have been blessed with a task to start being involved in the Dominican now.  We are making banners of the books of the Bible in Spanish.  We pray these will be a blessing to the Dominican’s as they memorize the books of the Bible. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”  Deuteronomy 6:6-9

We know you are praying for us and we thank you deeply with our prayers for you!  Please continue to pray for us and for those we talk to and for our new brothers and sisters in Christ that we are going to welcome into His family from the Dominican Republic.

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Beginning

Let the adventure of a new chapter in our lives begin.  

The Lord knew what He was doing as He guided our steps over the years.  As always, we were not aware of all the things He had planned for us in our lives or how they would turn out during those times.  God has taken us through various training and soften our hearts repeatedly.  Sometimes it felt like we were in a mirror maze where we kept running head on into the dead ends.  Praise Him for His patience with us!  

It has been overwhelmingly clear where God wants us to be, serving Him full time.  By no means are we better at any one area than anyone else.  We are willing.  Isaiah 6:8 "As I also heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom will go for us?'  Then I said,'Here am I! Send me"(NKJV)  Praise Him for His guidance!

We have been through so much hands on training over the years from serving in our church and our community and short-term missions trips.  Now we are going to be trained through our pre-field ministry, extensive cross-cultural training for two straight months then full language school for Danna to "catch up" to Gil's expertise of the language.  Praise Him for His leading! 

  Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." (NKJV) We will need prayer for this road ahead of us.
  •  Strength and endurance through balancing work with pre-field ministry.  
  • Against spiritual attacks 
  • Financial Support and Stability
  • Transition for our family members with this new adventure